The Kellogg's Care Asthma Advocacy Logo

The Kellogg's Care Asthma Advocacy Logo

Monday, June 6, 2016

My Teenage Son's Poem On Asthma

"The Thing I Carry"
By: Camryn Kellogg

There is no way to perfectly convey the sensation:

The drowning, burning, stinging inflammation.

A flurry of emotion, panic, and stress

Leaving behind a devastating, physical mess.


This beast comes and goes as often as it pleases

Forcing its victim to cry out, to beg for Jesus.

As it strikes I feel my life being sucked away

A flood of panic, my entire world turns grey.


The fear as my sight seems to go dark

The hollow empty feeling as my lungs begin to starve.

My stomach drops, but I must stay strong and fight through

My lifeline will work, I pray to God that this is true.


This lifeline is small, plain, deceptively simple.

As life-giving as God, yet as wretched as a pimple.

This one small object holds a vast amount of power

Determining whether I die or survive, whither or flower.

This thing is an inhaler, something I must always bear

A refuge, a power, more divine than a prayer.

For in my worst times it answers my plea

Opening my lungs, setting me free.

Then I’m back normal, trying to forget the attack occurred

But it’s always there lurking, enough to drive a man absurd.

Serving as a reminder to appreciate life’s little things,

It’s the cross I bear. It’s what clips my wings.

By: Camryn Kellogg

Thursday, February 11, 2016

5 Things You Should NEVER Say To An Asthma Mom


The reality is that studies show most children do not "outgrow" true asthma. Especially if it is severe and they are allergic to furry pets. There are times that symptoms improve due to hormonal changes like during adolescence but symptoms often return later in adulthood. Asthma is serious and it can kill. Got it? 


Really? Thank you for pointing that out! Asthma is worse at night, leaving both the parent and the child absolutely exhausted. Thank goodness for eye cream! The frequent trips to the doctor's office, missed days of school, and missed days of work make the entire family feel out of sorts and lonely. Not to mention all the side effects of the medicines used to treat asthma attacks. These medicines leave our children feeling sensitive and cause them to eat us out of house and home. So let's add walking through the grocery store like a zombie to the list! 


Although people's intentions are good and they mean well, this one really strikes the proverbial nerve! It automatically puts us on the defensive. I have 17 years of experience in raising 3 kids with asthma. Their doctors have educated me on what triggers their asthma and what works in rescuing them during an attack, so please don't tell us about all of the alternative, natural fads you're selling that will miraculously cure our kids' asthma! We're not buying it!


Every time one of my children has an asthma attack, it's like watching them struggle in the deep end of a swimming pool. Aren't all parents overprotective of their children around swimming pools? I'm sorry if you interpret us advocating for our children as "overprotective," but sending your child to school when they are sick can put asthmatic children in the hospital. When your tween sprays hairspray, aerosol deodorant, or vapes, our kids can't breathe so respect the non aerosol policies and teach your child that we all share the air and must be mindful of how our actions affect others. Even pleasant smelling perfumes, lotions, candles, and air fresheners can cause an asthma attack, so hold the fragrance please...You are sweet enough. 


Asthma moms are tough. We have to be. We don't want your sympathy. What we need is you to learn how to keep our child's environment safe and free of asthma triggers. This is particularly true in school, team sports, and camps. The truth is, our kids can do all that your kids can do when their asthma is under good control, so just help us keep it that way! We are constantly educating teachers, coaches, and parents on our kids' asthma action plans. For example, my son's baseball team knows they can't spray bug sprays or sunscreens in the dugout. So instead of offering your sympathy, offer your ear and learn how to help a child with asthma stay in the game!

So now that you know the facts, please remember that if it isn't kind, necessary or true, keep it to you! This asthma mom will thank you:)

Laura Kellogg, RN, AE-C
Mother of 3 asthmatics
 I have asthma too

Saturday, December 5, 2015

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Post Link

"As a parent it is heartbreaking to see your three asthmatic children struggling to breathe every day. And when you can’t breathe, nothing else matters. We were fortunate in that we could pick up and relocate to escape poor air quality so our asthmatic children could breathe clean air. But there are many families that do not have that option, and those children, the elderly, the poor -- those most vulnerable & those most impacted by climate change -- are stuck. They’re stuck breathing dirty air. Reducing carbon pollution is not just about protecting my family’s health but putting healthy air safeguards in place to protect all families.” – Laura Kellogg, mother, Wilmington, NC ‪#‎ActOnClimate‬ ‪#‎COP21

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Please follow my Asthma Advocacy Facebook Page at for our family's most recent updates and posts.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Inaugural I Love Lungs Wilmington Walk

Every Accomplishment starts with the willingness to try! Our first I Love Lungs Wilmington Walk raised over $5,000.00 to benefit the American Lung Association despite Tropical Storm, Ana, hitting the Carolina Coast. Meeting Jim Cantore was pretty cool too! Thank You Dunkin Donuts in The Forum Shops for all of your support in hosting our event with the bad weather. Thank you to all of the corporate sponsors:

                                                    Coastal Pulmonary Medicine, P.A.
                                                    The Kellogg's Care Asthma Advocacy
                                                    WWAY News Channel 3
                                                    Carolina Bay at Autumn Hall
                                                    Liberty Commons Rehabilitation Center
                                                    Active Healthcare, INC